Dream 1
This morning, January 17, 2023, I had a vivid dream.
I was close to home, but the buildings looked different. It was extremely icy outside.
Some people came around, and I spoke with them. The surrounding atmosphere was so clear, my normal tone of voice seemed to echo for miles. I heard something in the distance. It gradually became louder and louder.
It was the voices of a multitude in a choir, the most beautiful choir I have ever heard. The only way I could explain it was that their voices sounded like crystal bells ringing in different octaves.
The words seemed to be in another language but I understood that they were proclaiming in worship the Coming of our Lord. The song they were singing resembled the tune my alarm clock sounds to wake me up, however, it was too early for it to sound. I looked up into the now dark sky and I saw Jesus, His angels far into the atmosphere, and saints coming toward the earth.
In that instant I quizzed myself, “Is my heart right? Have I lived a pleasing life before my Lord? Have I obeyed Him? Am I worthy to stand before His throne?” I then turned to the people who were walking by and pointed into the sky, saying, “Do you see that? It is Jesus coming back to the earth!” I woke up, and heard in my spirit, “Go quickly, tell my people I am coming and they need to prepare!”
Dream 2
I was at a Christian gathering. I believe we were praying and then having fellowship afterward. It was midnight when we were done and realizing the time, I was inquiring about getting a ride home. I lived walking distance away but I didn’t want to walk home alone because there were too many sketchy people in the area. One person from the meeting knew the area well and volunteered to accompany me. we stepped out into the night and I briefly looked up at the clear starry sky before making the journey home. I observed the gas station across the street as we approached a main road. For a moment I forgot what time it was because the sky was lit up as bright as the Sun at noon. As I was observing the scene I began to come back to my senses and remembered it was still the middle of the night! I looked to my right and saw a big bright ball of light that appeared to be a meteor, and then a halo formed around it as it struck the earth just below the horizon and caused me to stumble. It became dark again. I woke up.
Watch Thom Horn who prophecied about a similar event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0q8vYzLno4&t=4s&pp=ygUJdGhvbSBob3Ju