About The Shofar

I titled this webpage “The Shofar” because in the Bible a shofar represents a voice.
It represents the voice of an alarm sounding, the voice which announces the times and seasons of the Lord, the voice declaring the time of Jesus’ soon return, and the voice of the Lord God Himself.
I wanted this website to be just that; A voice.
A voice to express the things I felt God had placed on my heart, to share with you.

Heather’s Paintings Help End Poverty!
On January 22, 2021, I had a dream.
In the dream I was in a beautiful banquet hall which was decorated all in white. White sheer material warmly streamed across the ceilings from corner to the corner. Splashes of pastel pinks subtly appeared from behind.
The sun softly lit the room through the long colonial windows where white hanging planters were elegantly displaying its vibrant greenery.
In the center of the room, I, and a couple other people were sitting on one end of a long banqueting table which was covered only with a white plastic tablecloth.
Soon a waiter walked toward me and served my dinner. As he set it down in front of me I saw that it consisted of only one single lettuce leaf. Immediately, I was flooded with grief as I became suddenly aware of the many people around the world who are fortunate if they only have one tiny meal a week. Some don’t even receive that much.
I broke down and wept. The two people who were sitting with me looked at me quizzically. I explained in tears saying “this is more food than many people have to eat in a week!” I felt strongly that I had to do my best to gather as much funds as I could to help these desperate people!
One of the people who were sitting at the table asked compassionately. ” Would you like me to give you some money for the cause?” And I answered in tears, “yes please!” As soon as I said “yes please,” another waiter came by with a plate full of vegetables and set it before me.
That was the end of the dream.
After the dream, I pondered about what I already had in my hand that I could use to fund poverty-stricken communities around the world. I thought of my website.
Heather decided that a portion of money from every piece of artwork which is purchased, will go towards supporting poverty stricken areas!
Additionally, If you prefer to donate directly to the cause I have provided the link below:
About IMC | Iris Ministries Canada
Other Useful Links:
Home | Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! | sidroth.org

About Heather Dunaway
Heather Dunaway was born in Edmonton, Alberta Canada and was adopted by two amazing and loving parents. Early on in childhood, it was evident that artwork would be a part of her life forever.
At the age of sixteen on Christmas day, she was given her first set of oil paints.
Consequently, her creativity took off to a whole new level. She started out by painting landscapes from photos that were captured from family vacations.
Eventually her paintings evolved into sharing the deep places of her heart with symbolism amalgamated in.
Through out her life she has had a number of encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ starting from a very young age.
One such notable encounter took place in her English class in Grade 8. She recounts:
“I was not raised in a religious home, and the amount that knew about Jesus was almost nothing other than the account of Him hanging on a cross and being born to a virgin. One day I was sitting in my grade 8 English class as a rebellious teenager with thoughts of God being the furthest thing from my mind, watching a holocaust movie about the Auschwitz death camp. As I was watching the film, and feeling deeply disturbed, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly changed, and I knew intuitively that Jesus just walked into the room!”
She continued to explain:
“I didn’t see Him, and He didn’t introduce Himself, but It is like He carries who He is and you just know. I was stunned, and remained silent, and He spoke and said something interesting which I never forgot. He said ‘Hitler did not kill the Jewish people because he hated the Jews.’ and He added, ‘ Satan killed the Jewish people because he hates Me and I am Jewish.’ And that was the end of the encounter. Now here is the thing:” She added: “I knew what He meant. Hitler was just a pawn who was being used by satan. However, I did not know Jesus was Jewish! And it was not confirmed until I read the Holy Bible and saw that it is written there that Jesus in fact is Jewish!” The many encounters that I have had (which I will write about further in my blog section soon) have greatly solidified my faith in Jesus, and have kept me strong even in great opposition” She concluded.
Now Heather endeavors to share Jesus with many people, and sharing her testimony as she feels led.
This site is developed for Heather Dunaway, artist, and blogger. You can also directly purchase her work at PageMaster Publishing.